Procedure 1: Visit the Notary/Notary Certified Founding Act

Visit the Notary with a copy of ID, and agree about the name of the future company. The Notary is about to check the name availability with the Court Register.
The Notary certifies the Founding Act, i.e. certifies the signatures of the owner and responsible person. The certification per signature costs 7 notary points BAM 0.5 each + VAT = BAM 4.095

Procedure 2: Personal Documents and Signatures Certification

Visit City Hall and certify copies of ID cards/passports of the owner and responsible person (the certification costs are BAM 2 per sheet) and certify the signature of the future responsible person – BAM 10.

Procedure 3: Company Registration – One-Stop Shop at APIF

The notary/founder/responsible person files the registration application to APIF, including the required documents (notarized founding act, certified signature of responsible person, certified copies of ID cards/passports of owner and responsible person, The Tax Administration’s assurance that there are no due obligations and debts) – initial registration is free of charge;
Publication in the RS Official Gazette – BAM 7 per line, APIF fee BAM 35.

The completion deadline is 3 days if all required documentation is filed. The registration procedure implies simultaneous business entity registration with the RS Tax Administration, i.e. award of the TIN and business entities sorting in accordance with the activity classification.


Procedure 1: Company Registration

Taking the Court Certificate and Notification of Sorting in accordance with the activity classification from APIF.

Procedure 2: Stamp Making

Have the stamp made by an authorized stamp maker, upon submitting a copy of Court Decision and presenting the original. The stamp price is BAM 20.00 – 50.00, and it is made in a day.


After completion of the aforementioned steps, the company is obliged to make the following steps: VAT registration – visit the Indirect Taxation Authority of B&H for the purpose of VAT registration. Documents required:
• Registration request (ZR-1 application form);
• Court Register Decision;
• Registration of the business entity with the Tax Administration;
• ID of the owner and responsible persons;
• Work permit and residence permit for a foreign citizen;                                                                                                                                           • Specimen signature card certified at the bank where the transaction account is opened;
• An original payment slip as a proof of BAM 40 paid (BIH JRT Treasury Account), as follows:
✓ BAM 10 – Remittance Purpose: Registration Request Fee
✓ BAM 10 – Remittance Purpose: Registration Decision Issuance Fee
✓ BAM 20 – Remittance Purpose: Registration Certificate Issuance Fee


Fiscalization – The Company has to have the cash register in order to operate. The cash register procurement, installation and servicing approximately costs BAM 1.000.


Employees Registration at the Tax Administration – visit the Tax Administration in order to register employees using form templates. The company can operate in the space which meets conditions in the field of protection and health at work. This Decree is issued by the Ministry of Labor, War Veterans and Disabled Persons’ Protection, and the republic fee is BAM 10.00.

REGISTRATION COSTS IN BAM (the simplest organization form)

• The notary 2 x BAM 4.095 + ID cards certification, 2 x BAM 2 + BAM 10 signature certification of the future responsible person
• APIF fee BAM 35
• Publication in the RS Official Gazette BAM 7 per line x 6 lines = BAM 42.00
• Stamp making – BAM 40.00
• TOTAL: BAM 139.19 + BIH Indirect Taxation Authority – BAM 40

Visit the following institutions:

• Notary
• City Hall Service Office
• APIF Counter
• Stamp Maker
• Indirect Taxation Authority BIH – regional center
• Cash Register Distributor
• RS Tax Administration for the purpose of employees registration.


1st STEP: Obtaining the Decision on Entrepreneur Registration

The Decision on Entrepreneur Registration is issued by the Commercial and Social Affairs Department of the Municipality of Brod.

Required documents:

1. Filled application for registration;
2. A certified copy of ID card or passport for a foreign citizen;
3. A proof that there is no final decision of the relevant authority against running a business (issued by the magistrates’ court);
4. Municipal tax BAM 30; BAM 2 at request;
5. The Tax Administration’s assurance that there are no due obligations and debts;
6. Other evidence if the submission is obligatory according to special regulations provisions.

The Competent Administrative Authority is obliged to issue the Decision on Entrepreneur Registration, within two days of the acceptance of the full application.

2nd STEP: Making the stamp

The stamp can be made at any stamp maker, where one should bring the Decision on Registration.

3rd STEP: Opening a bank account

The account can be opened at any commercial bank. To open a bank account, it is necessary to attach the following documents:

1. The Decision on Registration from the Municipality;
2. A certified copy of the signature specimen card from the bank where the transaction account is opened (the form is given in the bank).

4th STEP: Registration at The Indirect Taxation Authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Registration into the VAT system is done at the relevant regional centre of the Indirect Taxation Authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina. All entities that have turnover greater than BAM 50.000 forthe previous year or are about to have greater turnover than BAM 50.000 are to register at the VAT system.

The required documents are:

1. Application for the registration in the VAT system;
2. Municipal Decision on Entrepreneur Registration;
3. A proof of payment for the enrollment in the amount of BAM 15.00;
4. Other relevant documents depending on registration, in accordance with the Rulebook on Registration and Enrollment in the Unified Register of Indirect Taxes.

Company registration

































Company registration


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