Urban permit is a technical and expert document that determines conditions for the design and construction, according to the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction, special laws and regulations as well as the documents of the Department of Town Planning. The basis for the urban permit issuance is a zoning plan, specific purpose area zoning plan, regulation plan, urban project, parceling plan and the expert opinion of the licensed person for the spatial documents design.
The request is submitted to the Department of Town Planning, Housing and Communal Affairs and Ecology in the Municipality of Brod. In the procedure of obtaining the urban permit, all the documentation and consents (water consents, traffic consent and similar) are obtained by the Department.
Urban-technical conditions represent an expert document by which the conditions for construction, object and land usage are defined, depending on the object type. The Urban-technical conditions define:
a) purpose of the facility,
b) levels and size of the construction, field record and photo-documentation,
c) minimal form of building construction,
d) land design assignments,
e) the need for the design project and construction land arrangement,
f) obligations that have to be respected concerning the neighboring constructions,
g) environmental protection conditions in accordance with special regulations in this area,
h) conditions for ensuring free access to the persons with disabilities,
i) conditions for the protection from natural and other disasters,
j) scope and methods of necessary geological and geotechnical soil tests,
k) conditions about fire protection,
l) null radiation for the object that can cause it (base stations, mobile phones, substations, power lines, etc.),
m) other elements and conditions important for the object, according to special regulations.
Submit the request for the Urban Permit along with the following documents:
• a copy of cadastre plan, geodetic substrate for the proposed routes of infrastructural line communal facilities, verified by the relevant authority,
• urban-technical conditions and expert opinion if there is no implementation document of the spatial planning,
• project description,
• location consent defined in urban-technical conditions on the basis of special laws depending on the object type and purpose (utility companies that manage infrastructure),
• Decree on determining the obligation for the assessment of impacts on environment protection and the volume of impact assessment, if its implementation is obligatory in accordance with special regulations and
• Project design and the proof of ownership status or the right to construct for which there is no obligation for the building permit, according to the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction.
In the urban permit issuance procedure, the relevant municipal authority prepares all the required documents.
Expert opinions, urban-technical and other conditions that have not been determined by appropriate plans and implementation decrees but are defined by the law or regulation based on the law, are to be prepared by the company authorized for the design of spatial-planning documentation. Provisions for water and sewage, power, telecommunications, Telrad and other consents determined location itself (fire protection consent, water management guidelines, guidelines of the Public Company Road Directorate, etc.) as well as other instructions and guidelines determined by the law during the procedure of documentation preparation which is collected by the Department of Town Planning, Housing and Communal Affairs and Ecology.
The expert opinion and urban-technical conditions are used to determine:
• Construction and regulation line,
• Level of the construction in relation to the public road,
• Land arrangement conditions, especially considering the obligations, ways and conditions of connecting to the public road and installation network, if there is no such network – minimum land arrangement defined by the Municipality,
• coefficient of the constructed land plot, regarding the relation of total building area to the appropriate land surface, which cannot be higher than one for the whole building.
During the urban permit issuance procedure, the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction („Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 40/13) and the Law on Administrative Proceeding („Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 13/02,87/07 and 50/10) is applied, if not defined differently by the new law. The urban permit is valid to the modification or the acquisition of the valid plan document, if the investor does not submit the request for the construction approval in a year from the day of the urban permit issuance. Before the request submission, one is obliged to ask for the proof that the urban permit has not been changed.
What is the environmental permit?
Appropriate regulations on environmental protection apply to facilities where activities that endanger or may endanger the environment are carried out.
Before submitting a request for a decision on construction approval, and if required by location conditions, the investor is obliged to first obtain an environmental permit
Application form:
The application form can be obtained at the counter of the Municipality of Brod, and it must be accompanied by:
- Evidence (two printed and one electronic copy) prepared by an institution authorized by the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska;
- Copy of location conditions;
- Copy of water consent;
- Municipal administrative fee in the amount of BAM 150.00
– Recipient: The Municipality of Brod, Svetog Save no. 17 Brod;
– Recipient’s account: 555008-0052046334 Nova banka;
– Municipality: 010;
– Budget organization: 9999999;
– Call number: 0000000000;
– Income type: 722121.
Issuance of the environmental permit:
The notice of the submission of an application for the issuance of an environmental permit shall be published on the notice board of the Municipality of Brod, as well as on the official website of the Municipality of Brod for a period of 30 days. The interested public may inspect the application and the attached documentation for the issuance of an environmental permit free of charge in office number 16, Department of Housing, Communal Affairs and Ecology of the Municipality of Brod. Opinion and comments on the application and the attached documentation shall be submitted to this Department in writing within 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication of this notice on the notice board and the official website of the Municipality of Brod.
The environmental permit shall be issued for a period of 5 years.
Renewal of the environmental permit:
For the renewal of the environmental permit, the following are required:
– A report on the emission measurements performed, ordered in the permit being renewed, by the authorized institution;
– A report from the environmental inspector stating that the measures and obligations imposed by the permit decision have been implemented and that there have been no significant changes in the conditions relating to the facility and activities, primary and auxiliary raw materials, energy use, emission sources and the location of the facility;
– A certified statement by the responsible person stating that, as of the date of submission of the application for renewal of the permit, the measures and obligations imposed by the permit decision have been implemented and that there have been no significant changes in the conditions relating to the facility and activities, primary and auxiliary raw materials, energy use, emission sources and the location of the facility;
– Fee for issuing the renewed environmental permit in the amount of BAM 150.00
The investor is obliged to submit a request for renewal of the environmental permit 3 months before the expiration of its validity, based on the Regulation on the Procedure for Revision and Renewal of Environmental Permits (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska”, No.: 28/13 and 104/17).