BiH in Europe

Distance from:

110 km

Driving time by car: 1 h 44 min

192 km

Driving time by car: 1 h 52 min

216 km

Driving time by car: 3 h 01 min

220 km

Driving time by car: 2 h 08 min

330 km

Driving time by car: 3 h 04 min

360 km

Driving time by car: 3 h 31 min

424 km

Driving time by car: 4 h 01 min

562 km

Driving time by car: 5 h 16 min

608 km

Driving time by car: 6 h 28 min

737 km

Driving time by car: 6 h 57 min

1085 km

Driving time by car: 10 h 00 min

1188 km

Driving time by car: 12 h 28 min


The geographic position and accessibility of transport infrastructure make Brod Municipality an excellent location for establishing and growing a business. Brod lies at the very border with the Republic of Croatia and EU, with around 500 million of potential consumers. The Brod international border crossing is a Category II customs terminal which is transited by approximately 100,000 trucks every year.

Brod Municipality offers greenfield and brownfield zones for investment, situated around 3 km from the border crossing, with lease prices of land as low as 1 KM/m2 in greenfield zones, depending on the number of jobs created by an investor, and qualified work force in metal processing, locksmiths and welders trained in TIG, MIG and REL procedures and holding the certificates from the TÜV certification company.


Brod lies around 30 km from the regional Vc highway that will connect the Port of Ploče (Croatia/EU) through Sarajevo and Doboj with the highway E70 Ljubljana (Slovenia) – Zagreb (Croatia) – Belgrade (Serbia).

The Brod border crossing is 8 km away from the highway E70 that links with the far north of Europe (Scandinavia), Western Europe (the Netherlands), east (Turkey) and south (Italy and Spain), with no costs for transportation within BiH of goods manufactured in Brod, as Brod is on the very border with EU.

Brod is located 4 km from the railway station in Slavonski Brod (Croatia/EU), which enables transport of raw materials and final products by train to any part of Europe and lowers transportation costs. Transport of goods to Slavonski Brod railway station is possible only by land.

In October – April period, when the Sava River is navigable, the waterways permit shipping to Belgrade (Serbia) and further down the Danube to the Black Sea. The Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits effectively permit further shipping of the goods to any part of the world without reloading. Brod is 45 km away from the  port in Šamac and 107 km away from the port in Brčko (BiH). The closest airports are Banja Luka – 100 km and cargo airports in Zagreb (Croatia) 190 km, Belgrade (Serbia) 210 km and Sarajevo 220 km.


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