In the municipalities of Brod, there are 150 companies. The service sector operates 85 (57%) industrial 41 (27%) public 15 (10%) and agricultural 9 (6%) enterprises. According to company size, 138 (92%) are small, 9 (6%) are medium and 3 (2%) large. The largest company in Brod is the Brod Brod Refinery, which currently employs about 920 workers, which is almost a third of the employees of the Brod employees. Of the 280 entrepreneurs, the most are engaged in trade activity (105), followed by accommodation, hotel and catering (32) and the processing industry (11).


According to the educational structure at the Bureau of the Employment of the Republic of Srpska for Brod, there are 7.3% of faculty educated persons, 58.7% persons with secondary education and 34% with elementary education or lower. The closest educational institution is the Nikola Tesla High School, while university centers and faculties, University of Banja Luka (120 km), Slobomir University, Faculty of Transportation and Higher Medical School of Health in Doboj (52 km), European University, International University and Faculty of Economics in Brčko District (90 km), University of Tuzla- (123 km). In the municipality of Brod on 31.08.2018. There were 3.084 employees in the year, while 1,136 persons were registered at the Bureau of the Employment of RS.


The Municipality of Brod has defined four priority economic sectors: Metal sector – Metal companies are “Scai adapter”, “Krampitz”, “Anton paar”, “Bakar”. The largest potential within the metal sector has a subsector for the execution of locksmith-welding works. There are 135 locksmiths, 19 welders, 11 metallurgists, 23 mechanics technicians from the supply of free labor at the Bureau of the RS Employment Bureau.

Agriculture – There are approximately 15,000 ha of arable land in the municipality. In 2017, 1,595 heads of cattle were produced, 7,000 pigs, 10,000 apple trees, 10,000 pear trees, 10,000 plum trees, wheat on a surface of 305 ha, and corn on the surface of 2,900 ha.

Trade – On the territory of the Municipality of Brod, there are about 130 legal entities engaged in wholesale and retail trade. The four largest trading chains are Hyper Kort, Tropic, Konzum and Sara market. Brod has an excellent trading position, at the very border with the EU, and Slavonski Brod (RH), which has 60,000 inhabitants, is only 1 km away. The good connection with the neighboring municipalities, the proximity of the E 70 highway and the annual flow across the border of about 5 million people make the Municipality of Brod a great place to trade.

Accommodation capacities: “Motel Lazić” with 30 beds, “Lovački rog” with 20 beds and “M & M apartments” with 50 beds. The number of tourist nights spent in the Brod municipality is around 1600 in 2017. Brod has a favorable geographical position for the development of hunting and fishing tourism.


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