The administration in Brod Municipality is swift and efficient, we will issue all documents an investor may need within 7 days after a request is submitted.
Brod Municipality offers land lease prices as low as 1 KM/m2 in the zones, depending on the number of created jobs.
Brod Municipality provides financial incentives to employers of up to 5.000 KM per a job.

The costs of fees and charges in Brod Municipality are among the lowests in Republika Srpska.

Municipal fee for construction permit:

• 50 KM for buildings worth up to 50.000 KM
• 100 KM for buildings worth up to 100.000 KM
• 0.1% of the value for buildings worth over 100.000 KM, to a maximum of 1.000 KM

Municipal charge for environmental permit is 150 KM. The charge for issuing the usage permit:

• 50 KM for buildings with the surface area up to 400 m2
• 100 KM for buildings over 400 m2

Preparations are under way for the implementation of Brod Municipality Water Supply and Sewerage
Network Reconstruction Project, worth around 9.5 million KM, which will improve local business environment
and enhance the quality of life in the municipality.


If there are any questions you'd like to ask, please fill in the below form and one of our team members will contact you back.