The benefits that we offer:

1. An Exceptional Business Start-Up Location
2. Enhanced infrastructure
3. Business environment
4. Natural and Human Resources
5. Local government support


Today, the municipality of Brod is spreading on a surface of 228 km2. Brod is a flat agricultural area and it is surrounded by municipalities: Derventa, Doboj, Modriča, Odžak and Slavonski Brod in the Republic of Croatia.

The development of Brod was influenced by the important longitudinal road of Posavina and the main railway junction: Ljubljana – Zagreb – Belgrade. Beneficial geographic position has enabled good traffic connections between the municipality and the surrounding countries and beyond. Brod Municipality lies on the main road Sarajevo – Zenica – Doboj – Derventa – Slavonski Brod looking north to south. Right east – west is also connected via Banja Luka – Brod – Bijeljina and further east. In addition to this municipality, Brod is located only 5 km from the motorway “Zagreb – Belgrade” and in the future in the “5-C” corridor, which should be 20 kilometers east of Brod and connect Ploče – Sarajevo – Osijek – Budapest.

It should be noted that according to the Spatial Plan of Republika Srpska, the construction of the Brod – Modriča railway line is planned. Certainly, one of the most important infrastructural facilities is the existence of a border crossing and the bridge itself on the Sava River connecting the Brod Municipality in Republika Srpska with Slavonski Brod in the Republic of Croatia.


The main natural wealth of the municipality of Brod consists of agricultural land, forests, Sava rivers and Ukrina. Almost the entire area of ​​Brod Municipality is located in the plain. Given this terrain, the area abounds in exceptionally high quality land favorable for the development of agriculture.

According to cadastral data, Brod Municipality has 23.416 ha of total land area, of which 15855 ha (67.71%)  are privately owned and 7561 ha (32.29%) is state owned.

Forests are widespread and represented throughout the municipality. Within the administrative boundaries of the Municipality of Brod, the users of state forests are the Public Forestry Company “Šume Republike Srpske” a.d. Sokolac, “Doboj” Forestry from Doboj, Derventa Forestry Management, which is responsible for the territory of Brod Municipality and which does-technical jobs in forests in private ownership. According to cadastre data, in Brod municipality, the forests cover an area of ​​5.580 hectares, ie 23.8% of the total land area and are distributed throughout the municipality.

The Council Municipality of Brod  adopted the Forest Business Base on 30.05.2006. for the period from 01.01.2006. until 31.12.2015. which sets out the basic guidelines and objectives of forest management, forest improvement measures, conservation and strengthening of general useful forest functions and forest protection. According to the records of “Doboj” Forestry in 2010, 933.84 m3 of conifer was planted and 5.631,15 m3 of hardwood were realized, in the total value of 391.908,30 KM in Brod Municipality.

The most significant water areas are the Sava River, whose length in the territory of the municipality is approximately 29 km, which absorbs all the surface waters of this area, and also represents the state border with the Republic of Croatia. According to data from the water station in Brod, the highest water levels on the Sava and Ukrina river were recorded in March, April and May, then in November.


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