The Economic Council of the Municipality of Brod was established in 2013 at the proposal of the Mayor, and adopted by the Municipal Assembly of Brod.

The Economic Council was formed as an advisory body of the Mayor in order to create more favorable conditions in the Brod municipality for the development of the economy and a better quality of life in general. The Economic council then had 17 members, and it was appointed for a period of 4 years. After the expiry of the mandate, in 2017, the Economic Council, which currently has 21 members, was reappointed.

The Economic Council adopted the “Rules of Procedure”, where the procedures on the basis of which the Council operates and co-operates with the Mayor and the Municipal Administration are prescribed. At the meetings of the Economic Council, all important issues for the city and the municipality are discussed, and most importantly:

1. Capital investment programs and plans,
2. Budget plan for the next year,
3. Incentives to the economy,
4. Administrative and communal taxes and fees,
5. Spatial planning documents,
6. Prices and quality of utility services,
7. Plans for the next year on the amount of fees and taxes before the adoption of the budget,
8. The content of the business survey and analysis of the survey.

In addition to these, at the Council sessions, many other topics are also being considered when the need arises for them. The work of the Economic Council has confirmed that the need for such a body is justified and that the work of the Economic Council is of great importance for decision making and the work of the Municipal Administration of Brod.


TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT: Department of Local Economic Development 053/611-972

Head of Department Boro Grabovac 066/258-123, grabovacb@opstina-brod.net


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