Available labor force registered in the Public Employment Service Employment Service of Republika Srpska, Doboj branch office, Brod office.


A total of 1.136 persons are registered at the Public Employment Service of the RS Employment Bureau, Doboj Branch, Brod Brod.

The table below shows the number of unemployed according to the profession, showing only occupations with 10 or more available workers.


OCCUPATION Workforce – as of August 31, 2018
Salesman 109
Economic Technican 81
Locksmith 77
Computer Technican 42
Cook 27
Car Mechanic 24
Waiter 22
Chemist– operator 20
Chemical Engineer 19
Graduated (Professional) Economist 18
High School Graduate 16
Teacher 16
Hairdresser for Women and Men 15
Nurse – Technician 14
Typist 13
Tourist Technician 13
Welder 11
Truck Driver 10
Electrical Engineer – Energy Engineer 1


The following table and diagram show the available workforce by age structure:


Age Number of Workers Available
18 – 30 years 302
30 – 40 years 233
40 – 50 years 256
50 – 60 years 250
Over 60 years 95
Total: 1.136



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