Information on the planned amounts of tax and fees for 2019 of the Municipal Administration of Brod

In accordance with the preparation of the budget plan for 2019, the Department of Planning, Housing and Communal Affairs and Ecology, the planned amount of income from fees and charges for the year 2019 determined on the basis of valid decisions, whose changes are currently planned. In line with the activities started in connection with road construction, asphalting of roads, construction of communal infrastructure, extension of public lighting, drafting of project documentation, preparation of spatial planning documentation and others, whose financing is partly done by the above-mentioned tendencies and taxis, in 2019. year it is not realistic to expect their reduction.

In accordance with the amendment of the legal solutions, the initiation of a change of decision, etc., the relevant department will consider the possibility of modifying the above mentioned decisions.

List of planned amounts of tax and fees for 2019


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