Month: November 2018


Today, at 12 o’clock the Mayor of the Municipality of Brod received the representative of the Italian company from the metal sector. The topic of the meeting was the location for the construction of the production hall, fees and operating fees and benefits offered by the Municipality of Brod. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the company “SCAI Adapter”, through which the new Italian company was interested in Brod. The intention of the investor is to build a hall of at least 5000 square meters for the production of metal parts in the automotive industry. The production of an Italian investor will be planned to be located in Skele business zone.

Open call for the submission of projects for Investinbrod

To Whom it May Concern,

The Municipality of Brod is in the process of developing an Integrated Capital Investment Plan for the years 2019-2021.

All citizens of the Municipality of Brod can submit a project proposal which they consider to be important for the local development of the Brod municipality, and that it should be implemented in the next three years.

These may be projects for the construction of new infrastructure facilities or reconstruction, that is, rehabilitation of existing facilities and procurement of equipment.

Project proposals will be evaluated by the Project Evaluation Coordination Team.

Proposals should be submitted by 15.12.2018.

We sincerely hope that you will recognize the importance that the development and implementation of the Municipal Investment Plan of the Municipality of Brod can have for the inhabitants and the economy of the municipality, and that you will give your active contribution in the development of the same, and propose projects that you consider important for local development.

You can download the form for submitting project proposals here.

The form is filled in for each project separately.

For all the uncertainties and additional questions, we are available on phones: 053 611 972, 066 258 123 and 065 762 285.

Grant awards for business entities

The RS agency for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in cooperation with local partners invites you to the presentation of the 3rd public call for grant awards for business entities that have innovative business ideas, products or services that can lead to unemployment reduction, increased competitiveness and sustainable socio- development in BiH. The maximum amount of grant funds available for start-up is 10.000,00 EUR, and for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises up to 250 employees 30.000,00 EUR, but they must also provide their own participation in the amount of minimum 50%.
The grant funds were provided through Challenge to Change – C2C program implemented by the Republic Agency for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises and the Sarajevo Regional Development Agency SERDA, financially supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency – Sida / Embassy of Sweden in BiH.

Schedule of info days:

Doboj, Kneza Lazara Street 2, Park Hotel Hall, Tuesday, November 27 at 11 am
Bijeljina, Trg kralja Petra Karađorđevića, building of the City Assembly of Bijeljina, Tuesday, November 27, at 11 am
Banja Luka, street Jovana Dučića 23a (Čajevac circuit), room of the University of Business Studies, Wednesday, November 28, at 11 am
Trebinje, street Stepa Stepanovic, business incubator building, Wednesday, November 28 at 11 o’clock
Prijedor, at the premises of the Agency PREDA, Business Center Prijedor (former administrative building CELPAK), Thursday, November 29, at 11 am
East Sarajevo, Stefana Nemanje Street 14, building of the Administrative center of the City of East Sarajevo, Thursday, November 29 at 12 o’clock.

The presentation will give basic guidelines on the terms of the application and explain the steps for online reporting. In the end, participants will be able to ask specific questions.
Please confirm your presence no later than the day before the info day at the following email addresses:

For info day in Doboj:, or
For info info in Bijeljina: or
For Info Day in Banja Luka: or
For information info in Trebinje: or
For info day in Prijedor: or
For info info in East Sarajevo: or

For more information about the project and the public call, potential applicants can get on the website:


The International Real Estate and Investment Fair in Banja Luka (BLIRE 2018) is being held in order to improve business, acquire valuable contacts, promote real estate, companies and direct contacts with decision-makers from the largest local and regional institutions. The Local Development Department of the Municipality of Brod will present the investment potentials and tourist offer of Brod during the fair, on November 27th and 28th, at the Banja Luka Fair. We invite all entrepreneurs from Brod to visit BLIRE 2018 and to ensure their presence at the time of gathering different business cultures in the field of investments, and take the first step towards finding business investments. For more information, please call: +387 (0) 53 611 972 or by e-mail: or


The Municipal Assembly of Brod adopted a draft budget for the next year. At the 22nd regular session of the Assembly of the Municipality of Brod, the councilors adopted the proposed eight points. At this session, a draft municipal budget for 2019 was adopted, and suggestions on this issue can be made during public debates on the draft budget. The draft budget for 2019 in the amount of 9.992.000,00 KM puts the focus, within various consumer units, on development projects and grants to non-governmental organizations.

Budget Draft Explanation  (.DOC)

Budget Draft (.XLS)

Information on the planned amounts of tax and fees for 2019 of the Municipal Administration of Brod

In accordance with the preparation of the budget plan for 2019, the Department of Planning, Housing and Communal Affairs and Ecology, the planned amount of income from fees and charges for the year 2019 determined on the basis of valid decisions, whose changes are currently planned. In line with the activities started in connection with road construction, asphalting of roads, construction of communal infrastructure, extension of public lighting, drafting of project documentation, preparation of spatial planning documentation and others, whose financing is partly done by the above-mentioned tendencies and taxis, in 2019. year it is not realistic to expect their reduction.

In accordance with the amendment of the legal solutions, the initiation of a change of decision, etc., the relevant department will consider the possibility of modifying the above mentioned decisions.

List of planned amounts of tax and fees for 2019


The 9th session of the Chamber of Commerce was held on Thursday, November 1, at the meeting hall of the municipality starting from 6 pm. The meeting was attended by: members of the councils, Mayor Ilija Jovičić, point processors from the Municipal administration, directors of public companies and institutions. Issues that are of importance for improving the business environment in the Brod municipality were considered.
As for the topic of secondary school entry in Brod, it has been said that education profiles need to be more aligned with the demand in the economy. A letter of conclusion will be sent to the relevant Ministry on this topic.
The second item on the agenda was related to the results of a poll carried out by business entities in Brod. After the analysis of the survey presented, the council members gave their suggestions for the next survey of businessmen.
The theme on the price and quality of utility services discussed the problems that communal enterprises encounter in their work.
For the point on administrative and communal fees and taxes, businessmen in the council proposed harmonization of individual fees in relation to prices in the municipalities in the surrounding.
Under the item, various issues are being proposed, which, because of their importance, will be on the agenda of some of the next session of the Council. The session was closed at 20:00.


In the municipality of Brod and in the beginning of November the construction season does not end. The contractor is in the area of Skele in the part designated for the business zone, for the regulation of the access to investors in the business zone. The road is worth 85,746.60 BAM without VAT. The road stretches along the main road from the settlement Skele to the City pools and will be connected to the Branko Kovačević Street. As previously announced for this business zone, investment proposals and projects are already being considered. The works are financed by the Ministry of Finance of Republika Srpska, based on the Decision on allocation of funds for the business zone in the municipality of Brod from the clearing debt.
Citizens also noticed the construction of business facilities. In addition to the City Pools, the buildings of Elektro – Doboj company are in the advanced stage of construction and are well advanced. We also visited the purchased parcel of the company Krampic where the construction of a new hall was built. In addition to the main road to the border crossing, the works continue to regulate the TC Tropik – My Market facility, the construction of a flat station and a business center, which contributes to the improvement of the business environment in Brod.


At 10 o’clock, a meeting was held regarding the BFC certification. The meeting was attended by a representative of CRS. This organization provides consulting assistance to the Brod municipality in the certification process.
At the meeting we presented the new brochures or “guides” of the Municipal Administration. These promotional “guides” are intended for entrepreneurs and investors.
CRS organized a promotional video of Brod and an additional new website for the promotion of the municipality with the Department for Local Development of the Municipality.


Ambassador of the Czech Republic to BiH Jakub Skalnik was in Brod on 11.10.2018. In the Municipal Administration, he talked with the mayor of the Municipality of Brod, Ilija Jovičić. Topics of the discussion were the situation in the municipality, development projects, cooperation with non-governmental organizations, investments and other possibilities for further cooperation with the Embassy of the Czech Republic.
During the visit to Brod, Ambassador Skalnik visited a fruit processing unit in Donji Kolib. Dryers and fruit processing are part of the Project for Empowering Sustainable Economic Growth in Fruit, Forest Fruit and Medicinal Herbal Processing, which is one of the most successful major projects financed by the development aid of the Czech Republic.


If there are any questions you'd like to ask, please fill in the below form and one of our team members will contact you back.