

Oil Rafinery Brod JSC owns two unfurnished business premises with accessible communal infrastructure in the first zone. Those interested have at their disposal a business space on the 1st floor (269 m2) in St. Sava Street and a business space on the 2nd floor (374 m2) in Vojvode Zivojina Misica Street.

More information in the document: Oil Rafinery Public Call

Representatives of the Tourism Organization of the Municipality of Brod at the opening of the St. Catherine’s Fair

More than 250 exhibitors participated in the 24th St. Catherine’s Fair, that was opened on Thursday, November 21, indoors and outdoors at the Vijuš multipurpose sports hall in Slavonski Brod.

The fair was opened in the presence of exhibitors and guests by Mayor Mirko Duspara, president of the organizing committee of the Fair, which takes place indoors on 2000 square meters, and outdoors outside the hall on about 1000 square meters.

Representatives of the Tourism Organization of the Municipality of Brod used the advantages of this international fair to present the tourist offer and comparative advantages of the Municipality of Brod. In addition to daily fair events, this year’s 24th St. Catherine’s Fair in Slavonski Brod in the afternoon and evening in outdoor areas outside the hall also offers interesting content, such as the 5th Brod Beer Festival, and concert performances by popular singers and bands.



Citizens, Businessmen and Presidents of the Local Community Councils are informed about the term of the public hearing on the Draft of the Integral Capital Investment Program of the Municipality of Brod for the period 2019-2021.

The public hearing will be held on Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 6 pm in the Hall of the Municipal Assembly of the Municipality of Brod (Post Office).

 Draft of the Integral Capital Investment Program of the Municipality of Brod for the period 2019-2021 was published on the Official Website of the Municipality: and on and all interested parties can download it in printed form at the Department for Local Development of the Municipality of Brod.

Нацрт Интегралног ПКИ 2019.-2021.


The Assembly of The Municipality of Brod adopted the Draft of The Integral Capital Investment Program of the Municipality of Brod for the period 2019-2021. In order to collect as many proposals as possible on the prescribed form, the call for project proposals was published on the bulletin board of the Municipality, via JP “Radio Brod” and on the website of the Municipality. After closing the call, the Coordination Team approached the evaluation of the submitted project proposals.

In addition to projects proposed by the Coordination Team in the Integral Capital Investment Program, this program also includes previously adopted projects. Here are the projects from the Development Strategy of the Municipality of Brod for the period 2016 – 2020, projects from the Program of Capital and Other Significant Investments in 2019 in the area of ​​Brod Municipality and the Plan for Public Lighting for the period 2018-2021.

The Integral Capital Investment Plan includes projects with a minimum value of BAM 25.000,00 and projects involving the execution of works or the procurement of equipment.

The Local Development Department of Brod Municipality will organize public hearings in the coming period, where all interested businessmen and citizens will have the opportunity to express their opinion on this program and propose new projects.

Нацрт Интегралног ПКИ 2019.-2021.


The Municipality of Brod received a call which is submitted to the companies’ representatives:

The Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy is warmly inviting you to participate in the program “Bayern – Fit for Partnership” on the topic “Machinery and Technical Equipment in the Metallurgical Industry for Companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia” for a period of five days.

The aim of this trip is to establish business contacts, exchange of knowledge and experience of business subjects, educate participants, and deepen business cooperation between the Bavarian, Bosnian-Herzegovinian and Serbian companies and institutions. During the stay, visits to Bavarian companies and relevant institutions are provided, as well as participation at home fairs and cooperative exchanges.

The trip will be organized in the period from 18th to 23rd March 2019. Costs of participation for the planned study trip are EUR 20 per person/night (ie a total of EUR 100). According to the program, the following services are covered: organization and study trip, transport by bus during the entire stay in Germany, accommodation, food and drink, insurance, program monitoring by the organizers from Bavaria during the trip, translation services and final certificate for the participants, issued by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy. Travel costs (airline tickets or own transport) to Munich and back are paid by participants themselves.

The target group of this trip are leaders, ie decision-makers and experts of BiH and Serbian companies and institutions in the given field. The deadline for the application is February 15, 2019, which is to be sent to e-mail The number of subsidized participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia is limited, and the final selection of participants and the realization of trip are under the ingerence and sponsorship of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy represented by the service company “Bayern International GmbH”.

Important notes:

  • Bayern International GmbH, in cooperation with the Bavarian Ministry of EconomicAffairs, Regional Development and Energy, defines: the final selection of participants, the choice of subsidized participants as well as the selection of participants who will pay the full amount of study trip costs in the amount of EUR 700 per person.
  • If there are two registered persons from the same company or organization, one participant will be subsidized, while the other participant is obliged to pay the full amount of study trip expenses.

We hope you will participate in this interesting and productive delegation trip, and we are looking forward to your application.







The Assembly of the Municipality of Brod adopted The Plan of Capital and Other Significant Investments in 2019 in accordance with the Development Strategy for the period 2016 – 2020 at the 23rd Session held on December 14, 2018.

At its 23rd session, the Assembly of the Municipality of Brod adopted the following decisions:

– Decision on Determining Tax Rate for the Taxation of Immovable Property in The Municipality of Brod Municipality in 2019;

– Decision on the Price of Immovable Property by zones in The Municipality of Brod for 2019;

– Decision on Amendment of the Decision on Utility Taxes;

– Decision on Determining the Average Final Building Cost per 1.00 m2 of Useful Residential Area in 2018 in the Municipality of Brod.

Here you can download the following decisions:

Odluka o visini vrijednosti nepokretnosti po zonama za 2019.g

Odluka o utvrđivanju prosječne konačne građevinske cijene po 1m2 korisne stambene površine u 2018. g

Odluka o utvrđivanju poreske stope za oporezivanje nepokretnosti u 2019.g

Odluka o dopuni Odluke o komunalnim taksama


We inform interested businessmen and entrepreneurs that “Doors Open Days” for January will be held on January 10, 2019 from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Mayor’s Cabinet.


On Monday, December 17, the mayor of Brod Mr. Ilija Jovicic met the epresentatives of the United States Embassy, Banja Luka Branch Office. Mr. Charles Blake, Deputy Head of Office for business affairs, wanted to meet some municipalities. During his stay in Brod, Mr. Blake visited the Municipal Administration, the company “SCAI Adapter” and some other business entities.


The topic of the conversation in the mayor’s office was foreign investments in the Municipality of Brod and the area of ​​cooperation with the Branch Office in Banja Luka. “We have good cooperation with the embassies,” said Jovicic, adding that this brings “good things that are provided to municipalities thanks to cooperation with foreign organizations and embassies”. During the meeting, Mayor Jovicic highlighted the issue of energy efficiency of the High School Center and some other facilities.


Pursuant to the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Srpska on the Adoption of the Employment Action Plan in the Republic of Srpska for 2018, number 04 / 1-012-2-728 / 18 of 29 March 2018, (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska”, no. 30/18), Decisions amending the Decision on Adoption of the Action Plan for Employment in 2018, No. 04 / 1-012-2-1399 / 18 of 30 May 2018 (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska”, No. 52 / 18), the Decision of the Managing Board of the Public Employment Bureau of the Republic of Srpska amending the decision on the adoption of the Employment Program in the Republic of Srpska, No. 01.6 / 0111-529- 8/18 of 10 July 2018, and the Decision of the Managing Board of the Public Administration The Employment Service of the Republic of Srpska on Calling for a Public Invitation, No. 01.6 / 0111-987-10 / 18 of 3 December 2018, the Ministry of Labor and Veterans’ and Disability Protection and the Public Employment Bureau of the Republic of Srpska, announce a public invitation to unemployed persons the use of funds under the program of encouraging the development of entrepreneurship among young people under the age of 35 startup (start-up).

Public call can be downloaded here:

  Public call_Start-up_2019

Open call for the submission of projects for Investinbrod

To Whom it May Concern,

The Municipality of Brod is in the process of developing an Integrated Capital Investment Plan for the years 2019-2021.

All citizens of the Municipality of Brod can submit a project proposal which they consider to be important for the local development of the Brod municipality, and that it should be implemented in the next three years.

These may be projects for the construction of new infrastructure facilities or reconstruction, that is, rehabilitation of existing facilities and procurement of equipment.

Project proposals will be evaluated by the Project Evaluation Coordination Team.

Proposals should be submitted by 15.12.2018.

We sincerely hope that you will recognize the importance that the development and implementation of the Municipal Investment Plan of the Municipality of Brod can have for the inhabitants and the economy of the municipality, and that you will give your active contribution in the development of the same, and propose projects that you consider important for local development.

You can download the form for submitting project proposals here.

The form is filled in for each project separately.

For all the uncertainties and additional questions, we are available on phones: 053 611 972, 066 258 123 and 065 762 285.


If there are any questions you'd like to ask, please fill in the below form and one of our team members will contact you back.